Battle Zone: Spider Veins Vs. Varicose Veins

September 15, 2016Varicose Veins Treatment
Battle Zone: Spider Veins Vs. Varicose Veins Do you have veins that are larger than life? Do you sometimes suffer from pain associated with your veins? As two different conditions that can be both irritating and can make you feel self-conscious, spider veins and varicose veins are both treatable by Dr. Heeringa at Northern Michigan [...]

Suffering From Varicose Veins: Understanding Compression Stockings

August 15, 2016Varicose Veins Treatment
Suffering From Varicose Veins: Understanding Compression Stockings If you suffer from things such as varicose veins, then you have likely heard that a great temporary way to alleviate pain and pressure is to wear some type of compression stocking, especially when you’re traveling. Made of snug-fitting material, compression stockings are designed to squeeze your leg [...]