Who Is A Candidate For VeinGogh Treatment For Spider Veins?

When you have spider veins— no matter how small they are— it can make you feel really self-conscious about your appearance. If you feel like your self-esteem has started to plummet because of your spider veins, then it may be time to let Dr. Heeringa take care of them for you. Even though we offer a variety of different treatments for spider veins at Northern Michigan Vein Specialists, let’s take a closer look at one of our newer treatment options: VeinGogh.

What’s VeinGogh?

VeinGogh is a vein treatment that is used to treat spider veins. By using microburst technology, VeinGogh creates precise pulses which heat the vein, coagulate the blood, and collapse the vessel wall. Once the wall has been collapsed, the body will naturally absorb the vein.

Who Is A Good Candidate For VeinGogh?

The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System provides a fast, easy way to treat facial and nasal spider veins. Similar to procedures like IPL (intense pulsed light), VeinGogh is a treatment that can be used on patients with all different skin tones. As long as you are healthy and have spider veins up to .3mm, you should be considered a good candidate for this procedure. During your initial consultation with Dr. Heeringa or Diana Seehase BSN RN Sclerotherapy Nurse, he or she will be able to determine whether or not this treatment is right for you.

How Long Does Veingogh Last?

Even though VeinGogh can’t stop you from developing more spider veins later on in life, VeinGogh is permanent. Because VeinGogh actually destroys your spider veins, they won’t come back, but new ones may appear later on.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

On average, patients need about one treatment to get results but that may vary from patient to patient.

If your spider veins have got you feeling down about yourself, then it may be time to have them removed. To learn more about VeinGogh, call our office today at (231) 936-2068.