How To Prepare For Sclerotherapy

Apr 15, 2019

How To Prepare For Sclerotherapy

With summer just around the corner you may have visions of your legs in a bikini and short shorts covered in veins and want to gasp. Rather than dreading going to the beach because you’re embarrassed about your varicose veins, come into our office to get a treatment like sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a treatment that involves injecting your veins with a FDA approved solution. Once injected, it causes your veins to shrink and ultimately collapse. The result? Clearer looking skin. To make sure that you get the best results possible from treatment, we have a list of things for you to do beforehand.

Have Compression Stockings Ready

Before we start treatment, we will ensure that we have the right size of compression stockings for you. If you typically have a hard time finding socks that fit your calves, contact our office beforehand so that we can make sure that we have the right size available to you. We typically recommend stockings that have a medium compression and that cover the treatment area.

Wear The Right Clothing

Another thing that we encourage patients to do is to come to the appointment in both loose-fitting pants and comfortable shoes. Both of these will help you leave our office feeling more comfortable than ever.

Avoid NSAIDs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil, aspiring, and Motrin should be avoided for about one week before treatment because they can thin your blood, cause you to bruise more, and may even make you bleed a little bit more .

Getting ready for spring requires some work on your end. Before you slip into a bikini or shorts, consider getting your veins taken care of. To learn more, contact Dr. Heeringa at our Traverse City or Cadillac office today and call us at (231) 936-2068.

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